Invisua puts EAST in the spotlight at the Dutch Design Week
During the Dutch Design Week Invisua Lighting will put EAST in the spotlights with our innovative and dynamic lighting solutions. EAST is an innovative hospitality concept that will be established inside the Innovation Powerhouse at the innovative district Strijp-T in Eindhoven, which is part of the official Dutch Design Week program.
EAST represents the multi culinary society in Eindhoven and unites several rich cultures, cuisines and products. Flavors from the West will be combined with flavors of the near and far East. From Turkey to Malaysia and from Libya to India. EAST will officially open in January 2018. During the Dutch Design Week 2017 EAST will give a preview of what may be expected soon.
The Dutch Design Week 2017 takes place from 21 to 29 October. Our light Expo at EAST will be open every day from 11.00 – 18.00. We would love to welcome you at:
Innovation Powerhouse / Building TR
Zwaanstraat 31F
5651 CA Eindhoven
Wish to make an appointment during the Dutch Design Week?
Please send us an e-mail at info@invisua.com.